Current Issue of BDINews

By Kate Andersen.
Theme: Children who are easily bored.
Vol. 24, Issue 1, August, 2021.
I worked full-time until my son (our first child) was four years old...
Temperament and Parenting
Adult temperament
Places to Go
CBAM2: 2016 Edition
Things to do at this site
Newsletter Info
Announcing BDINews, a new electronic (e-mail) newsletter for parents and caregivers of "high maintenance" children from birth to age twelve.
BDINews is written by Kate Andersen, M.Ed., parent educator and co-founder of The Temperament Project. The newsletter is published by Behavioral-Developmental Initiatives.
Editorial Consultant:
Sean C. McDevitt, PhD: Licensed Psychologist, Temperament Researcher,
Author of several Temperament Scales, and coauthor of three books on child temperament.
A BDINews subscription links the latest temperament and child development research with practical parenting and caregiving ideas based on the author's extensive experience as a parent, parent educator and teacher educator. Each issue contains ideas for effective and respectful responses to challenging behavior, research news, letters from parents and early interventionists, book reviews and more. The focus of this newsletter is on parenting and caring for the child with a challenging temperament and more - perhaps a learning problem, a health concern or family stress.
PARENTS, early childhood educators, infant development consultants, social
workers and others who work with families and children.
"I enjoy and learn a lot from your newsletter."- a parent
"Thanks - not only do I enjoy the newsletter but I often take it to a group of mothers who have children with things like ADHD and sensory integration and so on. We are in Singapore and starved of info except for the net so we appreciate your research and work, thanks." - parent
Parenting Info:
Temperament FAQs

to some common questions about behavioral style.
Origins, impact on parenting, risk for behavioral issues, relationship to ADHD, and other topics.
Goodness of Fit

How temperament is assessed.
Poor fit can lead to stress and possibly emotional or behavioral problems
Getting help

When professional help is needed
There are qualified individuals from several disciplines who counsel parents and children.
Books for parents

Find out how to meet the challenge.
Learn how to identify and cope with temperament traits in your child.